Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Turn Leads Into Brand Advocates in 4 Steps [Infographic]

Social media marketing provides many opportunities for lead generation, sale conversion, and creating engaged brand advocates. An new infographic from Bluenose, a customer success platform provider, demystifies lifecycle marketing and shows marketers each step in the journey.

Step No. 1: Lead generation. This is probably the simplest part of the process as your company is likely already managing email and social media marketing campaigns. Public relations efforts, press coverage, advertising, and events are also great ways to generate leads.

Step No. 2: Nurture the leads. 33 percent of leads are lost because salespeople aren’t able to answer questions effectively. However, reacting quickly — in less than five minutes — the chance of conversion increases nine times.

Step No. 3: Provide quality customer service. 70 percent of customers stop supporting a company because of poor quality of customer service. 84 percent of marketers say that personalization impacts customer retention and loyalty, so providing personal high quality customer service is a key element in lifecycle marketing.

Step No. 4: Promote customer advocacy. 90 percent of people trust recommendations from their friends, and customer advocates are 50 percent more likely to influence their peers. Offering these advocates rewards and discounts could keep them loyal to the brand for years.

Check out the full infographic below.

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