Reddit has been around for years, but people still seem confused about what it is, and what it does. The platform has some idiosyncrasies, like offering all users a share in the company and breaking the world record for largest Secret Santa, which they’ve done again this year.
Since 2009, has been running a Secret Santa program between November and December every year. Users sign up before December 1st and then are matched with a Secret Santa. In turn, this Santa will receive a gift from another Reddit user. Once the matches have been made, users are encouraged to scan the post and comment history of other users to find the perfect gift for them.
This year the initiative broke its own world record three times over by November 24th, with nearly 90,000 users signed up. By the time signups closed, 212,894 users had signed up. and the yearly gift exchange are the brainchild of Dan McComas, who lays out the history and purpose of the ongoing project in a TEDx talk video. According to McComas’ data from previous years, the Secret Santa exchange has seen more than 93 percent of users that sign up complete the process of sending a gift.
The project has been so popular that since 2011 celebrities have been joining in. Bill Gates is participating for his second consecutive year, Snoop Dogg created a video, as is Reddit sponsored Dogecoin NASCAR driver Josh Wise.
McCormas said during his 2013 TedX talk:
So what we hope to do over the coming months and years is; we want to do more of what we do and we want to do it better. We want to make more people happy, but our big goal is we want to provide a platform for which anybody can send a gift to anybody on the Internet. What we’re trying to do is just make the world happy. That’s what I do.
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