Wednesday, June 8, 2016

New Pinterest Partner Oracle Data Cloud Touts Promoted Pins in Study

As part of a new partnership between Pinterest and Oracle Data Cloud, the latter studied 26 Promoted Pins campaigns and their impact on in-store sales.

Oracle Data Cloud-parent of data companies AddThis, BlueKai, Crosswise and Datalogix-studied campaigns across brands in the food and drinks, household goods and beauty brands sectors, and it found that:

  • In comparison with overall advertising, Promoted Pins drove five times more incremental in-store sales per impression.

  • Consumer-packaged-goods brands were three times more likely to reach existing customers via Pinterest, and those customers spent an average of 16 percent more.

  • Nearly 40 percent of Pinners make more than $100,000 per year.

  • People who engage with Promoted Pins are 12 percent more likely to be buyers of that brand.


Pinterest head of advertising measurement Angela Reynar wrote in a blog post:

Since businesses are so welcome on Pinterest (75 percent of the Pins saved comes from businesses), people are more likely to buy a brand's product in-store after simply seeing a Promoted Pin. In comparison to ads elsewhere, Promoted Pins drive five times more incremental in-store sales per impression.

On Pinterest, people don't just scroll past ads, they click and save them to their personal collections. This high level of engagement is a huge signal of intent-Pinners save Pins so they can easily refer to them later, like when they're at the grocery store and want to buy the brand of pasta they saw in a recipe Pin.

But keep in mind that when someone saves a Pin, they're also distributing content. Each time someone saves a Pin, it spreads to their followers and more. According to Oracle Data Cloud, those earned media impressions double the incremental sales lift of paid impressions- campaigns are effective for people even if they didn't get a specific paid impression. The study also found that more engaged Pinners are even more likely to have strong buying behavior. People who engage with Promoted Pins are 12% more likely to be buyers of that brand.

Readers: What did you think of the findings by Oracle Data Cloud?

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