Friday, February 13, 2015

Social Media Newsfeed: Facebook After Death | Twitter Ads

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Who Will You Choose to Oversee Your Facebook Account After You Die? (SocialTimes)
Who do you trust to oversee your Facebook account when you move on to greener pastures? Facebook introduced a new feature, legacy contacts, which allows users to prepare last wills and testaments for their Timelines. VentureBeat Last month, a Zogby poll of more than 1,000 adults found that 71 percent want their online communications to remain private unless they give prior consent. At the same time, 43 percent want their private accounts on online services deleted unless they have given prior consent for someone else to access them. The Wall Street Journal Legacy contacts can write a post to display at the top of their friend’s memorialized profile page, change the friend’s profile picture and even respond to new friend requests on behalf of the deceased. If they’re granted prior permission, legacy contacts can also download an archive of posts and photos from the deceased but not the contents of his or her private messages. TIME There are some painful instances that Facebook’s new policy can’t prevent — like your friends finding out about your demise in the least intimate of ways. As one writer described that experience in the Chicago Tribune: \"[You] stare in disbelief as heartbreaking news is disseminated to an iPhone or laptop, usually when one is on the bus, in an inane meeting at the office or in some other prosaic and inapt setting.\" ReadWrite On Facebook, it’s normal to come across posts about someone’s death sandwiched between BuzzFeed quizzes, cat videos, birth and wedding announcements and links to news stories. And if you think about it, that makes perfect sense; death, after all, is another part of life.

Twitter Wants You to See One Ad in Every 20 Tweets (SocialTimes)
During a keynote speech at a technology investors conference in San Francisco hosted by Goldman Sachs, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo talked about how the company has plenty of upside when it comes to showing ads in tweets to users. The goal? Five percent of tweets will show some kind of sponsored content, equating to one in 20 tweets each and every user sees.

Obama’s BuzzFeed Video Has Already Been Viewed More Than 10 Million Times (Adweek)
President Barack Obama wants to spread the word among millennials that the deadline to sign up for healthcare coverage is Feb. 15. So, to connect with the hard-to-reach demographic, the commander in chief worked with BuzzFeed Motion Pictures to help him create a video to promote

LinkedIn Tightens Grip on Developers (Mashable)
LinkedIn is making sweeping changes to its developers platform to weed out third-party products it deems poor quality or competitive to its business, the company announced Thursday. The professional social network is changing the way it approaches application programming interfaces (APIs), which allow software applications to communicate with one another and share information.

Moment of Zen: Kathie Lee & Hoda Reach 1 Million Facebook Likes and Post Stop Motion Video (LostRemote)
Kathie Lee and Hoda Kotbe, which has its own mini show on “TODAY,” just reached 1 million likes on its dedicated Facebook page. In Kathie Lee and Hoda fashion, they celebrated the special \"Winesday Wednesday\" in style, posting a stop-motion video.

The Best Apps to Beat Loneliness on Valentine’s Day (CNET)
It can suck to be alone on Valentine’s Day, plain and simple. This year we are going to change that, and it all starts with your smartphone.

Facebook Mentioned in Traffic Sign (SocialTimes)
Remember, \"Cross at the green, not in between?\" It’s been updated: \"Heads up! Cross the street, then update Facebook.\"

A Twitter Troll is Harassing the Family of a Sandy Hook Victim, and it Took 24 Hours to Help (The Washington Post)
On Wednesday, the family of Victoria Soto — the 27-year-old teacher who died shielding students during the Sandy Hook massacre — filed 15 harassment reports to Twitter about the same relentless troll. @InternetSheriff, as he or she goes by currently, is a Sandy Hook \"truther\": someone who believes, against all the evidence, that the killing of 26 elementary school students and teachers in December 2012 was a \"false flag\" attack orchestrated to clamp down on gun rights.

Is Pinterest Considering a ‘Buy’ Button? (SocialTimes)
The addition of a \"Buy\" button has been a hot topic on Facebook, but could that capability soon come to Pinterest? According to Re/code, Pinterest could introduce such a button sometime this year.

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