Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Visual Hashtag App Markr Moves At Speed of Social

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Hashtags are such a part of our digital language these days that #almosteverything is automatically #hashtagged even if it’s for a Facebook post, to make a point, or designate the course of the conversation. Rather than recreate your witticisms on each platform you plan to post, wouldn’t it be convenient to have a visual hashtag attached to a single image that is distributed to all your platforms simultaneously? There is.

A new app called Markr, just released on iOS, distinguishes itself from similar services due to its \"shotgun\" style approach, meaning it fires on all social cylinders at once, reaching your target audience across multiple fields in a single blast, at the speed of a bullet. At the speed of social.

As Markr co-founder Joseph Collins explains in the press release:

We wanted to make a faster, smarter way for people to produce content they want to share and make it easy to do so via multiple outlets.

To which co-founder Joshua Basinger adds:

The goal is to increase visual literacy on social media.

Basically, the ingenuity of this app lies in its user-friendly simplicity, in addition to its aesthetic innovation. Rather than select and upload a different image/hashtag for each of your outlets, be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, etc., the app allows the user to create a one-size-fits-all photo or video with the hashtag of choice strategically superimposed, then send it out! To make one’s social life even easier, the visual hashtag meets the technical qualifications of each individual platform, meaning a \"text bar\" is not required for the image to display properly.

Markr is also super fast, and speed of delivery is essential, of course – particularly when capturing life’s moments, or when trying to generate buzz in your social community via immediacy, which is not the same as urgency.

Also, beyond inspiring envy, your friends and family want to know stuff like when/how you popped the question (as well as the answer), or be among the first to virtually meet your newborn, or share in other life milestones – even sad ones, like the passing of a loved one. No one wants to feel out of the loop. Markr gets the word out with a matching image and memorable or pertinent hashtag instantly, to all your peeps via all your platforms at the same time. It’s hard to think of an easier way of conveying a message or moment to as many folks in your social network as possible, short of a group text or picking up the phone (but who does THAT these days?).

But don’t worry about having to make your own news each time you want to touch base. The app also suggests trending topics so you won’t feel left out of the global discussion at any given moment, either. And it might actually make you trendy. In a good way.


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