Monday, December 28, 2015

Top 10 Modern Marketing Posts of 2015

One of the best ways to understand your audience is to see what content resonates with them. And if you have a blog with analytics installed, which seems to be standard with all blogging software, you can look at the top posts of the year.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the most successful blogs get significant traffic from older posts. When an older post starts getting lots of search traffic, it becomes a gift that keeps on giving. So rather than just look at our top 10 or top 20 posts, we are going to look at two different top 10 lists.

Today we will review the top 10 posts that were published in 2015. Later this week we will look at the top 10 posts that were published prior to 2015.

1. 100 Things You Are Doing Wrong on Social Media

This post is exactly what the title says it is. One-hundred things that you should not be doing any more on social media. There's no introduction. No links. No GIFs. Just a list. And it attracted a lot of visits. If you are interested in the behind-the-scenes, this was the second post I wrote after joining the Oracle Marketing Cloud. And I wrote it on my iPad while traveling in Africa.

2. Oracle Marketing Cloud: Leading the Way in Modern Marketing Execution

3. Oracle Chosen as Leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant

These two posts were both announcements of high performing results in Gartner analyst reports. If you are wondering if this stuff matters. It does. If a prospect is reviewing your solution, this provides third-party validation. Customers also appreciate these types of reports because it confirms their decision, and they can point to the reports if anyone needs more information about their marketing technology choices.

4. 12 Awesome Content Marketing Ideas That Aren’t Blog Posts

2015 was the year when marketers wanted to create more content, and that number grows even bigger in 2016. This infographic provided marketers with new ideas how to create more content.

5. Celebrate the 2015 Markie Award Finalists!

The Markie Awards are a big deal at the Oracle Marketing Cloud. They honor the best modern marketers and everyone wants to know who the finalists were. It is interesting that this post performed better than the post announcing the winners. And speaking of Markies, nominations are now open.

6. 2015: The Modern Marketing Year in Review

Our two crowd-sourced ebooks reviewing 2015 and looking forward to 2016 were launched with this post. We wanted to set an ungated ebook up against a gated ebook to see which could reach a wider audience. The ungated ebook was embedded in this post, and nearly all visitors to the post viewed the ebook. It has also recently exploded on Slideshare.

7. The Path to Adaptive Marketing: An Introduction

A thoughtful, high-level post that introduces readers to the latest thinking in modern marketing from our head of product marketing.

8. Avoid these 10 Marketing Automation Rookie Mistakes

One of our superstar marketing automation customers wrote this post to alert new users of any marketing automation platform of the pitfalls they need to avoid when getting started.

9. Why Your Team Needs a Lead Scoring Model

A good post about how you can begin to think about creating your own lead scoring model.

10. Facebook Integration a Win-Win for Consumers and Marketers

A post about a product update snuck into the top 10. This post announced the latest integration between Facebook and the Oracle Marketing Cloud. The launch of lead ads connected ads on the world's largest social network with our cross-channel marketing software. Again, this shows that our readers care about product innovation and announcements.

Look for that other top 10 of older posts that continued to attract readers in 2015 soon. In the meantime, download the Modern Marketing Essentials Guide to Content Marketing.

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