Thursday, November 19, 2015

Modern Marketing is Customer-Centric in 140 Characters or Less #MME15

There were lots of conversations about putting the customer in the center of everything marketers do at the Modern Marketing Experience in London. So often marketers focus on the technology or the process and they fail to pay enough attention to the needs of their customers and prospects.

We have seen changes in the entire buying cycle and how prospects discover information related to purchases, so it is logical that marketing has also changed along with it. Leading modern marketers shared their insights with the attendees, who in turn shared those insights with their followers. And this is how modern marketing works. A person, just like a company, builds trust by providing value to their followers and potential customers.

And we have selected some of those shared insights and embedded them below. This is starting to get a little too meta for me, but there's a lot of value to be gleaned from these tweets. The buzzwords have been redacted. The jargon jettisoned and only the good stuff remains. And since these are embedded tweets, feel free to share these with your followers. Whoa!

Finally, no wrap up of an Oracle Marketing Cloud event is complete without a picture of our own Adrian Chang. You'll see what I mean when you get to the end.

One place to start your modern marketing transformation is to focus on the customer experience and download the Modern Marketing Guide to Cross-Channel Marketing.

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