Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Understanding Twitter Engagement: A Complete Guide

Twitter Engagement-01

No longer are the days where you can send a Tweet and call it day. Marketing efforts are contingent upon Twitter engagement measurements like Retweets, likes, impressions and clicks.

The rise in social media management tools helped simplify Twitter engagement down to a science. Now you can dissect everything in a Tweet to find just how much of an impression your brand is leaving on its audience.

total engagement example

What Exactly Is Twitter Engagement?

The loose definition of Twitter engagement is the amount of interactions received for each Tweet. Twitter engagement can include:

  • Likes

  • Retweets

  • Replies

  • @mentions

  • Follows

  • Profile clicks

  • Permalink clicks

  • Tweet expansion clicks

  • Link clicks

At the same time, this could just mean someone saw your Tweet. To go a little deeper, your Twitter engagement rate is a key performance indicator (KPI) to evaluate just how well you interact, reach and become a presence with your audience. 

When you measure all of the above metrics against the amount of users who witnessed your Tweet, you're left with holistic picture of overall engagement rate.

Does Twitter Engagement Matter?

Any way you look at it, Twitter engagement is a crucial metric to evaluate for your business. By engaging on Twitter, you have more chances to:

  • Get feedback on products or services

  • Easily sell your product or service

  • Build brand loyalists

  • Understand your audience

  • Become an influencer in the market

There's a big difference between talking to your audience and knowing what they want. By continually engaging on Twitter, your brand's presence will grow and more people will want to hear your messaging.

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