Saturday, May 7, 2016

Social Media News You Can Use: Personalized Content Edition

Sprout Social Media News

This week was all about providing your audience with personalized content. Facebook weighed in on the methods behind its News Feed, Twitter unveiled an easier way to connect with people and Convince & Convert's President, Jay Baer taught us why customer service mostly sucks.

How Facebook's News Feed Works [Update]

Vice President of Product Management for Facebook's News Feed, Adam Mosseri, talks about how the News Feed works and what it means for publishers. Catch the video below:

Can't spare nine minutes and 39 seconds? Here's the TL;DW. Among the thousands of weighted variables that Facebook's algorithm factors, Mosseri pinpoints four specific proxies that are used to help predict if someone might be interested in a post:

  • Who posted it

  • When it posted

  • Content type

  • Interactions with a post

So, what does this mean for publishers?

Screen Shot 2016-05-04 at 3.07.54 PM

Mosseri suggests that publishers should:

  • Write compelling headlines and avoid clickbait.

  • Steer clear of overly promotional content.

  • Try new content forms and remember that, what works for one brand may not work for another.

  • Utilize Facebook Audience Optimization.

Why it matters: 

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